Saturday, July 25, 2020

Becoming Jew "ish"

Wow! So much has happened in my walk with G-d in the last few years. Reading back through some of my old posts and drafts I realize how much G-d has done in my life. The last year in particular has been A-MAZING!!!!  I have always had a yearning for the G-d of the Tanakh (Old Testament). My love for the Torah (the law or instructions of G-d) have always had my heart even before I really understood them, and even when my fellow believers were telling me they didn't matter that that was only for the Jews. And then... it happened. Promises that G-d had spoken to me finally made sense when I learned there were a lot of people like me. A whole movement (several in fact) of Torah pursuant believers in our Messiah. They vary from Hebrew Roots, Messianic Judaism, to Ani Judaism (Messianic Orthodox Judaism) in their different observances.

At almost one year of being Torah pursuant, where am I?  In love with the Word of G-d, His right judgments, degrees, and commands. My goal is to be like Daniel. I believe we are in Babylon, while we are here, Daniel is my mentor. Daniel heard the decrees of the land and even in the middle of a godless society he was still able to not only pursue our Elohim, but to know Him.

What's the difference between me now and me a year ago?

We keep (guard and protect) the Sabbath (Shabbat).  I make traditional Challah bread every week which is one of my favorite things to do. Shabbat is the day my whole week is purposed toward. The planning and preparations direct our family all week.
We read and learn Torah in the weekly Torah portions. (We use this as our family Bible Study.)
We eat Biblically Kosher. If the Bible says it's unclean, we don't eat it. (Mistakes have been made, thank goodness G-d judges our hearts and is a G-d of forgiveness.)
We gave up Easter and Christmas and instead observe Passover and Hanukkah.
We do a lot of things following traditional Jewish tradition. Some people are very against this, but I have found a lot of peace and understanding following traditional Orthodox traditions. We must remember that traditions themselves are not bad. Traditions are only bad when and if they violate other parts of G-d's Torah.

There is definitely more, I've just listed the most common topics people have questions about.

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